
The Troops meet every Wednesday from 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm in the social hall for St. Andrews Catholic Church. Meetings are opportunities for the scouts to get to know others in their patrols, work on learning skills and showing mastery to earn rank advancement, and planning for activities.

Service Projects

Both Troops participate in lots of service projects!

Monthly Campouts

The troop plans a specific weekend campout for each month of the school year at the annual planning meeting held in August. These campouts are usually two days long and usually cost around $25 per person for food & fees, which is collected two weeks prior to the campout. New scouts are encouraged to attend and gain experience camping with the troop while working on early rank requirements.

For a scout to be permitted to participate in a monthly campout, they must have a current Health and Medical Record on file.

Summer Camp and Winter Camp

All scouts in the troop will want to go to summer camp and should plan ahead for this fun time. Many different types of camps are available including aquatic camps, horseback camps, canoeing camps, mountain camps and so forth. Based upon the desires of the boys and the practicality of their choice, the troop reserves space at one of these special Boy Scout camps during the early fall for the upcoming summer, in late June.

Activities vary depending on the camp, but are always geared to the learning of scout skills, for rank advancement and merit badges. We try to go to camps that have superior counseling staffs so the scouts will gain the most from the instruction there. Camps provide a specialized program for first year campers to orient them to the area and help them pass a large number of rank advancement requirements. Equipment needed for camp varies depending on the camp, but generally will include a cot and a footlocker (instead of a backpack). A list will be provided at the start of the summer.

Come Visit Us!

Contact our Scoutmaster Melissa and stop in to experience a meeting.